Celebration of French National Day at the OAS
Monsieur le Secrétaire Général,
Monsieur le Secrétaire Général adjoint,
Mesdames et Messieurs les ambassadeurs,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Today, July the 14th, the President of the United States of America is in Paris to celebrate the Bastille Day, at the invitation of the President of the French Republic.
Let me take this opportunity to remind two or three essential components of the relationships between France and the United States of America, as well as other States of this continent that the Europeans have wrongly called the “New world”.
France and the United States of America have been tied by the march of history since General Rochambeau and the Marquis de la Fayette arrived here, with an important military contingent, to help George Washington and the insurgents to secure the freedom and independence of the British crown colonies. The United States have not forgotten our help. And France does not forget, and will not forget, the sacrifice of all these young Americans who died, a hundred years ago, during the First World War, and in 1944, during the D-Day, to help France regain its freedom and its place in the community of nations. France is a real ally of the United States! That’s why we do not hesitate to express our disagreements when our views diverge: for example, years ago, in a speech at the Security Council on the Iraqi issue, or even today about climate change, a huge concern for future generations. [And I would like to inform you that France will promote the initiative of a Global Pact for the environment as presented in Paris in June]. But when the most difficult issues of the world put at risk what we consider the essence of humankind, France and the United States of America are always side by side.
Ces remarques me conduisent à rappeler que le souvenir du 100ème anniversaire de l’arrivée des troupes américaines en France doit aussi être l’occasion d’évoquer la mémoire des soldats canadiens qui ont versé leur sang pour mon pays. Ils se sont battus pendant la première guerre mondiale ; puis en 1944, ils ont, eux aussi, débarqué au petit matin, sur une plage de France pour libérer l’Europe de la tyrannie nazie.
Mas podemos acreditar que ai param as manifestações de solidariedade entre as Américas e a França? Não, pois em toda América latina homens se levantaram para vestir o uniforme da França e da Liberdade. Seu compromisso e às vezes seu sacrifício são ainda mas admiráveis pois não tinham nenhuma obrigação.
Para ilustrar este propósito les voy a contar una anécdota: Estamos en Londres. El General de Gaulle se presenta en la puerta del edificio donde está instalada la sede de la Francia Libre. Un militar en uniforme de la Legión extranjera lo saluda. Pero el General nota que ese saludo no es un saludo militar francés. Cuestiona ese legionario y en una mezcla de francés y español le responde que es colombiano y que se alistó para ayudar a Francia. Emocionado por la respuesta, viniendo de un hombre que hubiera podido continuar su vida tranquilamente en ese magnífico país de Colombia, el General de Gaulle incorpora inmediatamente ese legionario en su guardia personal. Veinte años más tarde, siendo Presidente de la República Francesa, el General de Gaulle fue recibido en Colombia en el marco de su gran gira por América latina. Y que creen que sucedió? Hizo invitar en la Embajada de Francia su antiguo guarda espalda, el legionario colombiano que se había alistado por Francia y por la Libertad para saludarlo personalmente.
Mr. Secretary-General, Mr. Assistant Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the thoughts that I wanted to share with you – as you honor us with your presence – at a moment when the President Macron and the President Trump review French and American troops at the military parade on the Champs-Elysées, to celebrate together the Bastille Day.
Vive les Amériques !
Vive la France !
Source : Mission permanente de la France auprès de l’OEA (Washington, 17 juillet 2017).
Crédit photo : Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS